Saturday, July 27, 2024
Book Reviews Criminal Procedure Criminology Penology

Book Review: A Tortuous Path: Atonement and Reinvention in a Broken System

Photography by Pexels

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A Tortuous Path: Atonement and Reinvention in a Broken System by Christopher Pelloski is a fantastic effort by the author to shed some light on the child pornography possession cases and how they are treated  by the USA justice system.

In my opinion the writer with this book and also his first book: Trauma, Shame, and the Power of Love: The Fall and Rise of a Physician Who Heals Himself manages successfully to show the truth behind the myths that cover with the veil of ignorance of the difference between a pedophile and child pornography possession users.

I must admit that before I read this enlighten book, I was under the false impression that people that watch child pornography are the same as pedophiles, and I am sure most of the people in his world have the same ideas.

The truth is that only about 2 to 3% of the people that watch child pornography end up becoming pedophiles. The vast majority of them are people that were sexually abused when they were kids, and that’s what happened to the author of this book.

Child pornography viewers are mostly people that need help. They were victimized when they were children and should be addressed like any other person that has some kind of disease.

The author does a great job presenting all the negatives and positives aspects of what it went through from arrest to release from chastity and also offers valuable information on how the system can become more human and more productive with the people that get arrested with possession of child pornography.

One example is instead of trying to arrest people that have child pornography files in their computer, it will be better to focus on catching the people that make these movies.

The arguments of the author were very logical and convincing and allowed the reader to see his case.

I think this book must be read by people that work for the Justice department and use its valuable first-hand experienced information to reshape and humanize the arrest and therapeutic procedures of child pornography possession cases.


Andreas Michaelides

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