Photograph by Candiix
I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
MORE TO LIFE by Jacob Lasher is a beautiful collection of short and long poems that have as a primary goal to heal the heart of people that are suffering from mental illness.
Poetry for me is something deeply personal, and I take my hat off to the author that took the big step to present to the world his soul through his poems.
The book is separated into four parts. Cause and Effect, The Unraveling, The Titanic’s Foundation, The high and Lows
You will find all kinds of poems in the book, some of them will make you sad, others happy.
The complexity and at the same time the simplicity of the poems evokes a plethora of emotions and feelings bringing a cathartic result to one soul and spirits.
It is a book that you can read now and read again in the future, and you will get different meanings and understand issues that didn’t think of them the first time you read it.
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