Monday, January 13, 2025
Book Reviews Healthy Living Self-Help Success Self-Help

Book Review: I Am What’s Wrong

Photograph by JanBaby

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I Am What’s Wrong by Sheila M. Burke is a genuine effort from the author to transmit her worried about what each and every one of us can do to improve the quality of their life.

The author advocates and I agree with her that by improving the way we think and the way we act towards a better and more planetary friendly way we will improve our life’s both individually and at the same time collectively.

The book is an exciting array of articles that were put together with a caring and thoughtful order so they will present to the reader from start to the end the advantages of changing our selves to the best.

This book teaches us to take responsibility for our actions and actually doing something about it instead of blaming others for our mistakes or accusing others of our lack of knowledge or attention to detail.

Speading out kindness and paying it forward is a beautiful notion and something that I agree entirely with it. The writer gives advice, tips and helpful philosophical ways to achieve that.

I really enjoyed the chapter “42 Healthy Habits for being a better human” I think this chapter captures the essence of the book entirely and also the good intentions of the author.

Taking care of animals and learning from them, being sweet but not let another people walk over you and similar issues are also covered and discussed in this very informative book.

Closing what I really loved about this book is a sense of infinite optimism that the words are radiating. The fact that the information in it is information that when applied by us will make as better in all areas of our life and also improve the quality of life both for people and animals on this beautiful green, blue planet that unfortunately many people forget is our mother and home.

The book is so versatile that you can read the chapters independently which for me is very cool.

If you want to feel better about yourself if you’re going to improve everyday actions that you do and know they are not quite right, if you’re going to be a source of kindness around you then this beautiful book will help you achieve it.

Andreas Michaelides

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